01 Associate Representative.
02 Courtesy Registration at the National ESG Congress.
06 Registration for Online or In-Person Meetings of Associates.
30% Discount on Additional Tickets for the National ESG Congress.
Exclusive Discount on Events at Partner Institutions
Annual Contribution 2024
Up to 20 million
Between 20 and 100 million
Between 100 and 400 million.
Between 400 and 700 million
Between 700 million and 1 billion
Over 1 billion
R$ 9,777
R$ 18,333
R$ 23,250
R$ 31,250
R$ 42,720
R$ 52,170
Publicity Art as an Associated Company for Social Networks.
The Representative may use the Associate Title on Linkedin.
03 Associate Representatives.
06 Courtesy Registration at the National ESG Congress.
10 Registrations for Online or In-Person Meetings of Associates.
50% Discount on Additional Tickets for the National ESG Congress.
Exclusive Discount on Events at Partner Institutions.
Advertising Art as an Associated Company for Social Networks. Representatives will be able to use their Associate Title on Linkedin.
You may use the Associated Company Seal on your Products and/or Services.
Logo Featured on the Home of the Association's Website as an Associated Company.
Logo at the Association's Meetings and Lives.
Annual Contribution 2024
Up to 20 million
Between 20 and 100 million
Between 100 and 400 million.
Between 400 and 700 million
Between 700 million and 1 billion
Over 1 billion
R$ 18,333
R$ 28,250
R$ 37,250
R$ 48,770
R$ 67,170
R$ 92,170